Time flies and it seems I'm no where nearer to move back into my apartment. I was told to check on Friday and I've called 2 or 3 times, left a message and still no answer or call back. Not sure what is going on. Although I really liked where I was living, room layout, size etc were all perfect for me, I'm about ready to look elsewhere. I need my own space and my things so I can get some projects finished.
Tuesday I'm looking at another place and will go from there. Not sure if owners of the place I was living are playing games or what. They tell me they now have a buyer since the fire and all the upgrades they did with the insurance money. He wants to live in one side with his family and rent the other. She told me he was very pleased to know that a mature individual that would be a long time rental would be in the other side. Now he may not have that.
I've been doing some surfing on blogs and find so many with really great and talented people. I've always been entranced with the possibilities that come with the computer and the internet. And every day I'm amazed at the volume of information you can find.
Of course in my surfing I always find new projects, new fabrics that are calling my name saying "buy me", and I need more projects like I need a hole in the head.
There is that old saying the Lord only gives you what he thinks you can handle, sometimes I wish he didn't have so much faith in what he thought I could handle. But with his help I'll find a place where I can stay the rest of my life.